Friday 25 March 2011

How lunch turned out and other things

Well..... I made it to the park- no tramps in sight although there was an awful lot of half naked men playing football- Seriously its March and yes the sun is out but its not THAT warm.

I like the park- its interesting to people watch- there was a lady I would say of around the age of 50 who very neatly took off her jacket and spent a good five minutes checking the ground before she decided it was safe to sit down. I loved the meticulous way in which she straightened her jacket on the floor as a makeshift rug, got her book and her apple out of her bag and then looked at her watch as if to make a mental note of precisely how long she planned to sit there.  I on the otherhand, spent 5 minutes picking a bench under a tree that was not covered in bird poop so as to ensure that any angry pigeons would not be making me their target this lunch hour!

The hour always goes so quick and I often think 'what would happen if I carried on walking, right past work and off to someplace else' would they sack me, would they call me, how long before they noticed I had gone?

On the way back to work, my thoughts were rudely interrupted by 3 builders in a pick up truck shouting 'Yeah baby, Yeah' and wolf whistling at me.  I'm one of those people whose brain likes to tell them after the event what I should have said or done- at the time I went bright red at the attention being drawn to me then hurriedly walked on praying that the lights would not change and I'd have to cross the road in front of these morons.  In my head, by the time I was almost back at work my brain was like 'er hi there, just wanted to say you should have waved at them or asked them if they kiss their mothers with those mouths'.  Hindsight is a wonderful thing- NOT!

So now I've arranged at 4:30pm on a Friday to go out with my friend on saturday night- unlike me because I'm a stickler for making plans and not those of the last minute variety. (I also like to make lists to remind me to do things- not because im forgetful, I just like lists) Recently I have been forced to try out last minute plan making / changing because the people in my life seem to have no concept of what a plan is and are absolutely rubbish at sticking to any kind of schedule!
Now the dilemma is- what do I wear tomorrow night, oh no, do I actually HAVE anything I can wear to look positively glamorous (obviously I know the real answer to this is yes, I'm just being picky and ridiculous, my wardrobe is full to bursting), what time should I have dinner tomorrow, I don't want to be bloated but I don't want to get so drunk I'm falling over before I've left the house!!! I think I just need to breathe and tonight enjoy a glass of wine with some friends and forget about it until tomorrow when the time to decide on what to wear and what to eat finally arrives.  Mind you I could give myself a kick start by writing a list.....................

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